I'm generally not one to be succinct. However, I'm striving for less words....more action (prayerfully of course). As of late, I'm learning that despite having been a Spirit filled Christian for years, I may not know the Lord as much as I think I do.
I suppose we all look at ourselves and through OURSELVES have some idea of who, God is...But no matter what any of us thinks ~ God is more than an idea... He's real. Very real, and involved in each of our lives according to the level for which we allow.
This morning after some much needed one on one time with the Father...I'm reminded of some simple things that through faith on my part...will help/allow me to see Him work in my life and on my behalf more freely. I pray I can move through these next few weeks...days...moments...using each one as armor in my fight to turn knowledge into wisdom....faith.
I pray that if you found yourself reading this you know that the Lord loves you. He died for you. He really just wants to be your friend.
So...here are just a few of this things I'm praying to LEARN...ALL the way...
• God won't take away sin until I give it over to Him. *exhaling....
• Faith is NOT an emotion...It is OBJECTIVE trust placed in a God who is VERY real.
• The way I think about/view the Lord doesn't define Him.
• God DOES command & speak....Do I obey & listen?
• Whether I "see it" or not, God IS just. *I will believe this....
• My salvation does not depend on my name. Thank the Lord.
Have a blessed week everyone.